justification computer - перевод на русский
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justification computer - перевод на русский

Dogma of Justification; Forensic Justification; Δικαιοω; Dikaioō; Doctrine of Justification; Adikoi; Justification (Theology); Justification by grace
Найдено результатов: 2087
justification computer      
счётное устройство для выключки строк
Justifiable; Justification (disambiguation)
1) оправдание;
2) оправдывающие обстоятельства;
3) правомерность, подтверждение.
Justifiable; Justification (disambiguation)
justification noun 1) оправдание 2) оправдывающие обстоятельства, извинение 3) typ. выключка строки
Justifiable; Justification (disambiguation)


общая лексика

выравнивание (строк текста) по обоим краям, выключка строк

все строки при этом будут иметь одинаковую длину, начинаться и заканчиваться на одном уровне. Иногда термин используется как синоним слова alignment


допущений в ЭС





Смотрите также

hard space; left justification; microspacing; ragged right; wordwrap; a posteriori justification; a priori justification; absolute justification; analytical justification; deductive justification; experimental justification; inductive justification; justification key; justification wedge; logic of justification; logical justification; mathematical justification; statistical justification; theoretical justification


общая лексика

оправдывающие обстоятельства

представление поручителем доказательства платёжеспособности должника (за которого он поручился)

оправдывающие обстоятельства, извинение



оправдывающее обстоятельство

подтверждение [фактами]





обоснование (технико-экономическое)

бухгалтерский учет

обоснование (необходимости) (описательный анализ потребностей в чем-л. (напр., фондах))


выключка строки

Justifiable; Justification (disambiguation)


общая лексика



общая лексика

могущий быть оправданным




Justifiable; Justification (disambiguation)
justifiable adj. могущий быть оправданным; позволительный; законный justifiable homicide leg. - убийство при смягчающих вину обстоятельствах; убийство в целях самозащиты justifiable claims - законные требования
  • Sir William Thomson]]'s third tide-predicting machine design, 1879–81
  • 算盘}}). The number represented on this [[abacus]] is 6,302,715,408.
  • alt=Two women are seen by the Colossus computer.
  • Video demonstrating the standard components of a "slimline" computer
  • [[Cray]] designed many supercomputers that used multiprocessing heavily.
  • Babbage's]] [[Difference engine]]
  • [[ENIAC]] was the first electronic, Turing-complete device, and performed ballistics trajectory calculations for the [[United States Army]].
  • The actual first computer bug, a moth found trapped on a relay of the [[Harvard Mark II]] computer
  • A 1970s [[punched card]] containing one line from a [[Fortran]] program. The card reads: "Z(1) = Y + W(1)" and is labeled "PROJ039" for identification purposes.
  • [[Hard disk drive]]s are common storage devices used with computers.
  • routes]] on the Internet
  • website=www.computerhope.com}}</ref>
  • gate]] (G), body (B), source (S) and drain (D) terminals. The gate is separated from the body by an insulating layer (pink).
  • memory cells]]).
  • Diagram showing how a particular [[MIPS architecture]] instruction would be decoded by the control system
  • The [[Antikythera mechanism]], dating back to [[ancient Greece]] circa 150&ndash;100 BC, is an early [[analog computing]] device.
  • The [[Ishango bone]], a [[bone tool]] dating back to [[prehistoric Africa]]
  • Museum of Science and Industry]] in Manchester, England
  • A section of the reconstructed [[Manchester Baby]], the first electronic [[stored-program computer]]
  • A [[slide rule]]
  • [[Bipolar junction transistor]] (BJT)
  • alt=A human computer.
  • Z3]], the first fully automatic, digital (electromechanical) computer
Computer system; General purpose computer; Digital computer; Computers; Computor; Computing device; Electronic computers; Computer Systems; Electronic computer; Computar; Digital computers; Electronic computing; Discrete computer; Computer systems; Computer System; Copmuter; Digital computing; General-purpose computer; General Purpose Computer; Kinds of computers; COMPUTER; Camputer; Computing Machines; Computing machines; Computing machine; Uses of computer; Second-generation of computers; The computer; Second generation of computers; Cumputer; Classical computing; Automatic data processing machine; Modern computer
(электронно-)вычислительная машина, ЭВМ; компьютер
- commercial computer
- desk computer
- digital computer
- general computer
- high-speed computer
- multipurpose computer
- process control computer
- scientific computer
- special purpose computer
  • Sir William Thomson]]'s third tide-predicting machine design, 1879–81
  • 算盘}}). The number represented on this [[abacus]] is 6,302,715,408.
  • alt=Two women are seen by the Colossus computer.
  • Video demonstrating the standard components of a "slimline" computer
  • [[Cray]] designed many supercomputers that used multiprocessing heavily.
  • Babbage's]] [[Difference engine]]
  • [[ENIAC]] was the first electronic, Turing-complete device, and performed ballistics trajectory calculations for the [[United States Army]].
  • The actual first computer bug, a moth found trapped on a relay of the [[Harvard Mark II]] computer
  • A 1970s [[punched card]] containing one line from a [[Fortran]] program. The card reads: "Z(1) = Y + W(1)" and is labeled "PROJ039" for identification purposes.
  • [[Hard disk drive]]s are common storage devices used with computers.
  • routes]] on the Internet
  • website=www.computerhope.com}}</ref>
  • gate]] (G), body (B), source (S) and drain (D) terminals. The gate is separated from the body by an insulating layer (pink).
  • memory cells]]).
  • Diagram showing how a particular [[MIPS architecture]] instruction would be decoded by the control system
  • The [[Antikythera mechanism]], dating back to [[ancient Greece]] circa 150&ndash;100 BC, is an early [[analog computing]] device.
  • The [[Ishango bone]], a [[bone tool]] dating back to [[prehistoric Africa]]
  • Museum of Science and Industry]] in Manchester, England
  • A section of the reconstructed [[Manchester Baby]], the first electronic [[stored-program computer]]
  • A [[slide rule]]
  • [[Bipolar junction transistor]] (BJT)
  • alt=A human computer.
  • Z3]], the first fully automatic, digital (electromechanical) computer
Computer system; General purpose computer; Digital computer; Computers; Computor; Computing device; Electronic computers; Computer Systems; Electronic computer; Computar; Digital computers; Electronic computing; Discrete computer; Computer systems; Computer System; Copmuter; Digital computing; General-purpose computer; General Purpose Computer; Kinds of computers; COMPUTER; Camputer; Computing Machines; Computing machines; Computing machine; Uses of computer; Second-generation of computers; The computer; Second generation of computers; Cumputer; Classical computing; Automatic data processing machine; Modern computer
электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ, компьютер - communication computer
- cryptographic computer
- cryptographically protected computer
- dial-up personal computer
- multiple access computer
- personal computer
- trusted computer
  • Sir William Thomson]]'s third tide-predicting machine design, 1879–81
  • 算盘}}). The number represented on this [[abacus]] is 6,302,715,408.
  • alt=Two women are seen by the Colossus computer.
  • Video demonstrating the standard components of a "slimline" computer
  • [[Cray]] designed many supercomputers that used multiprocessing heavily.
  • Babbage's]] [[Difference engine]]
  • [[ENIAC]] was the first electronic, Turing-complete device, and performed ballistics trajectory calculations for the [[United States Army]].
  • The actual first computer bug, a moth found trapped on a relay of the [[Harvard Mark II]] computer
  • A 1970s [[punched card]] containing one line from a [[Fortran]] program. The card reads: "Z(1) = Y + W(1)" and is labeled "PROJ039" for identification purposes.
  • [[Hard disk drive]]s are common storage devices used with computers.
  • routes]] on the Internet
  • website=www.computerhope.com}}</ref>
  • gate]] (G), body (B), source (S) and drain (D) terminals. The gate is separated from the body by an insulating layer (pink).
  • memory cells]]).
  • Diagram showing how a particular [[MIPS architecture]] instruction would be decoded by the control system
  • The [[Antikythera mechanism]], dating back to [[ancient Greece]] circa 150&ndash;100 BC, is an early [[analog computing]] device.
  • The [[Ishango bone]], a [[bone tool]] dating back to [[prehistoric Africa]]
  • Museum of Science and Industry]] in Manchester, England
  • A section of the reconstructed [[Manchester Baby]], the first electronic [[stored-program computer]]
  • A [[slide rule]]
  • [[Bipolar junction transistor]] (BJT)
  • alt=A human computer.
  • Z3]], the first fully automatic, digital (electromechanical) computer
Computer system; General purpose computer; Digital computer; Computers; Computor; Computing device; Electronic computers; Computer Systems; Electronic computer; Computar; Digital computers; Electronic computing; Discrete computer; Computer systems; Computer System; Copmuter; Digital computing; General-purpose computer; General Purpose Computer; Kinds of computers; COMPUTER; Camputer; Computing Machines; Computing machines; Computing machine; Uses of computer; Second-generation of computers; The computer; Second generation of computers; Cumputer; Classical computing; Automatic data processing machine; Modern computer
компьютер, вычислительная машина, ЭВМ


КЛАВИАТ'УРА, клавиатуры, ·муж. (·итал. claviatura) (спец.). Полный ряд клавишей в клавишных музыкальных инструментах (муз.).
| Совокупность клавишей в разного рода механизмах. Клавиатура пишущей машинки.


Justification (theology)

In Christian theology, justification is the event or process by which sinners are made or declared to be righteous in the sight of God.

The means of justification is an area of significant difference amongst the diverse theories of atonement defended within Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Protestant theologies. Justification is often seen as being the theological fault line that divided Roman Catholicism from the Lutheran and Reformed traditions of Protestantism during the Reformation.

Broadly speaking, Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe that justification, which in their view initially occurs at Baptism, partaking of the Sacraments and the resulting grace of cooperation with God's will (sanctification) are an organic whole of one act of reconciliation brought to completeness in glorification.

In Catholic doctrine, righteousness is infused, i.e., God "pours" grace into one's soul or, "fills" one with his grace more and more over time; faith as is shown through charity and good works (fides caritate formata) justifies sinners. In Protestant doctrine, righteousness is imputed (λογίζομαι, "logizomai") to the inherently ungodly, by grace, through faith in the cross of Christ.

These traditions teach the concept of fiduciary faith, that is, that "faith alone suffices for justification, and that consequently the observance of the moral law is not necessary either as a prerequisite for obtaining justification or as a means for preserving it." Therefore, a righteousness from God is viewed as being credited to the sinner's account through faith alone, apart from works, being based solely on the blood of Christ. Growth in personal holiness is considered distinct from justification, belonging rather to sanctification.

In Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and most Protestant theology, anyone who has been justified will produce good works as a product of faith, as a result of God's grace in sanctification. Notable exceptions to the idea that sanctification and good works always accompany justification are found in Free Grace Theology and many within the Independent Baptist movement.

For Lutherans, justification can be lost with the loss of faith; for Catholics and Orthodox Christians, justification can be lost by sin. For Methodists along with other groups belonging to the Holiness Movement, salvation can be lost with the loss of faith or through sinning (cf. conditional security). The Reformed tradition generally holds that justification can never truly be lost: for those who have been justified by grace, will certainly persevere through faith until the return of Christ himself.

Как переводится justification computer на Русский язык